Wednesday 15 August 2012

Day two: something you love

Okay do it was supposed to be breakfast but my internet only just came back so I didn't think I could post today! So I'll do that one tomorrow and I will do something I love today :)

I love my Octi! I got him when I was five years old (I think) I was obsessed with the power puff girls and when I saw him I begged my parents to buy him for me :) he cost them three pounds from a charity shop and I remember them getting annoyed because for a charity shop that's expensive! Anyway, enjoy my Octi, until next time :)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Day one: You

So this is a picture of me today having a lazy time before starting work :) feeling okay though I think I ate too much today (piggy). Oh well, I was hungry. No gal make either I'm afraid, this was just before I was going to take a shower. Hopefully getting some lashes soon, when I do I will be posting progress pictures of my make with lashes! I feel like they will enhance my make a lot so I look forward to sharing that with you gals! Anyway, here it is... Till tomorrow lovelies <3

Monday 13 August 2012

30 day challenge tag :)

So this 30 day challenge is a photo challenge and you have to take a photo each day according to what it Says on the tag! I'll start tomorrow but here's what I will be doing!

Take Pictures of:
1. You
2. Your Breakfast
3. Something you love
4. Your mailbox
5. Something you wore
6. Something that makes you smile
7. Your favorite quote
8. Your sky
9. Something you use daily
10. Something from your childhood
11. Your favorite school binder
12. Your favorite shoe
13. Inside your bag/backpack
14. Something you’re reading
15. Something that makes you happy
16. Something you see every morning
17. Your water
18. Something you bought
19. Something sweet
20. Someone you like/love
21. A reflection of something
22. Your jacket
23. Something old
24. Your guilty pleasure
25. Something you made
26. Your favorite color
27. Your lunch
28. Your sunset
29. Inside you fridge
30. Nature

I found this tag here! so check out her blog for some great posts :) x

Shopping spree!

I went on a bit of a spree yesterday so I thought I'd share with you gals what I purchased! It was a mixture of different things, I will post pictures of the things I bought but because I'm using a mobile app the pictures will all come at the end. Here's a list of the things I bought and where I bought them from and you'll be able to tell from the pictures which thing is which :) I hope you like what I bought!

Bag, Topshop, £36
$ vest, H&M, £7.99
Aztec b/w trousers, H&M £7.99
Shoes, Salt&Pepper shoes, £35
Spiked cross necklace, New Look, £3.99
Skeleton necklace, New Look, £5.99
Stud bracelet/ring, New Look, £3.99
Glasses, H&M, £5.99
Rings, H&M, £3.99
Collection 2000 gel liner, Boots, £3.99
Skullcandy headphones, HMV, £29.99

I also have a more recent picture of my eye makeup! (having a go with the new gel liner) I don't know how I lived without it! Still no lashes though, sorry gals :(

I bleached a pair of my jeans... What do you think of the look?

More posts soon gals and sorry about the non even picture distribution :( x

Tuesday 7 August 2012

The shred.

Okay so I just started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Each workout lasts 20 minutes. I thought to. Myself that's not so bad! Right? Wrong! It was so difficult! And I have to do this every day?! Ewww. But I'm going to keep at it! I want to have a body I can be proud of and I know that with every workout, it will become easier for me :) just wanted to give you my initial thoughts on it. Honestly after doing this workout, I found it hard to walk so I rushed to the shower and now I actually feel pretty good and I'm proud that I was able to actually do it! More progress pictures soon! Bye bye gals <3

Friday 3 August 2012

My eye make :)

Hello gals, so as I said yesterday, here I am posting a few pictures of myself however they are not body shots, they are or my make today. Please note that I don't have any fake lashes yet so I've got to try and work with what I've got! My efforts trying to make them long made them look kinda clumpy (oh noo) and I'd like to apologise for the image quality, I used my iPad webcam so yes.. I'm stalling :')

KatoKathy Giveaway!

Follow this link to see rules on how to enter this giveaway!

These things would really help me pursue Gyaru!! >.<''

Good luck everyone <3